What drives you? What motivates you to do anything?
Is it the desire to be known for something? Or is it about making your mark? Or is it getting to a certain bank balance? Or is it how your loved ones see you?
Or is it something else?
Over the years this has changed a lot.
As usual when I was young, I was driven by marks in school and a a wish to impress my parents and friends overall.
When you’re very young(like upto 5-6 years) you are driven by what is the most fun thing to do at any time. But as you grow older and are ‘institutionalised’ you start to become a reflection of the expectations of the people around you.
I was so much that through my adolescence and young adulthood.
But with time as I saw more of the world and interacted with a diverse set of people I realised that there’s more to life than just fulfilling external expectations.
I started to rediscover that childlike joy in doing things just for the sake of them. Which has resulted in endless side projects over the years.
Right now, I feel I am driven by an extreme curiosity to understand how the world works. Anything I see, be it people, places, events around me, I am fascinated by the underlying mechanics of how things must have worked out to get to this result.
The Wisdom Project is a way for me to cater to that curiosity and make sense of the world around me. To find joy and wisdom in the most mundane as well as the most profound things that I see.