Have you ever wondered where do we come from? Who are we? Were humans always like this? Was our society always this well organized, and life this easy?
Of course you’ve read evolution in school, so you know we are somehow related to chimps, but there’s more to it.
This video from Kurzgesagt does a great job of explaining the context of our prehistoric past. Check it out.
Click here to watch this video on Youtube.
Do you read long form content? Like articles and blog posts, with lots and lots of text in them. Long sentences with big words trying to explain complicated concepts in 7,8 or 10 minutes? Do you like them?
It doesn’t matter whether your answer is yes or no. What we’re sharing now is technically a blog post, but very different from a conventional blog or article.
WaitbutWhy’s Tim Urban is one of my favorite modern thinkers. He has this incredible ability of explaining complex ideas in a very funny and easy to understand manner. His posts are long, but there’s never a dull moment in his writing, once you get into the flow you just want it to keep going.
Checkout his post about Gen Y Yuppies, that’s us by the way, our generation.
He does a great job of explaining the growing resentment and emptiness that we see so much in people around us these days. Once you start to look at this issue from his point of view, the world starts to make so much sense. And his sketches are hilarious :)
Click the link below and get reading.
Why Generation Y Yuppies Are Unhappy
Have you heard of CRISPR? It’s this revolutionary gene editing technology that may help us give birth to designer babies in the future.
Yes, babies without birth defects, babies that are born immune to deadly, life threatening diseases.
But it will also help us pick and choose the ‘qualities’ we want in our babies, and filter out the ‘flaws’ that we are not comfortable with.
What sort of a rabbit hole are we going down with such a piece of technology is beyond imagination. Find out more in these two fascinating podcasts from Radiolab
Antibodies Part 1: CRISPR
Update: CRISPR
Perhaps the most recommended books in the past few years are Yuval Harari’s Sapiens and Home Deus. Both talk about the origin and the future of our species. If you haven’t read them yet, you must.
Meanwhile, if you are not a book person, do checkout his Ted Talks, start with this one
Click here to watch this video on Youtube
As we sign off this week, here’s a quote worth thinking about
My One repeated learning in life: “There are no adults”. Everyone’s making it up as they go along. Figure it out yourself, and do it. - Naval Ravikant
Ponder about this in every human interaction you have today, you will see the world very differently.
Also, don’t forget to hit the signup button to receive this Wisdom Letter directly in your inbox next week.
And if you like what you saw this week, tell someone about it, share this post :)
Aditi & Ayush