Ideas can spread faster than viruses. Both bad ideas and good.
In fact, an idea is very much like a Virus, its resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define… or destroy you.
Don’t believe me? Listen to Leo-
Apart from the actual virus that’s taking over the planet right now, there are plenty of idea viruses spreading fast as well. The speed and reach of the internet only enhance the effect of these ideas.
And once they take seed in people’s minds, they can grow, slowly at first, and rapidly later on at a an exponential pace. These ideas can end up consuming a person inside out.
In times like these it’s important to be aware of your own thinking, to be careful of the various ideas taking seed in your own head. To be deliberate about how and what you consume online and how it shapes what you think.
With that in mind we are sending this pop-up, off-schedule email, with a set of links that are helping us think better about COVID-19.
This is just a set of links that we think can help you understand the crisis better. Check them out—
What we are Reading
A CoronaVirus cautionary tail from Italy (Boston Globe)
Some Good News About Corona Virus (James Altucher)
The single most important lesson from the 1918 Flu - “Tell the Truth” (NYT)
What we are Watching
Last Week Tonight - John Oliver
Pandemic:How to prevent an outbreak (Netflix Docu-Series)
What we are listening
#78 Balaji Srinivasan: Exploring COVID-19
A special pop-up episode of The Knowledge Project exploring a timely issue.

Thanks for reading. If you find more resources that can help us think better about the pandemic please hit reply to this email, or share with us on WhatsApp.
We will be forever grateful.
And if you are already going through Corona-fatigue, if you have had enough of the coverage of the virus and don’t know how to spend your time productively in isolation, the best place to start is Wisdom Letter #1.
We share timeless content that helps you learn something new without putting you to sleep. That’s Corona-free wisdom meant to upgrade your brain and help you think better about all kinds of challenges: global, local and personal.
Mother earth has given us all the gift of time. Let’s make the best use of it.
Aditi & Ayush