Hello and welcome to The Wisdom Project — your weekly dose of human curated wisdom in a world full of algorithmic noise.
Today we are talking about the Wisdom of Naval Ravikant.
The month of December is upon us.
Just 25 days left in the year, this is a good time to think deeply about the big and small questions in life.
Good time to think about how we define words like success and happiness, love and ambition, intelligence and wisdom.
Whenever we are in such a reflective mood, we like to turn to our favorite modern day philosopher.
Sometimes on his Twitter timeline, but many a times by watching his podcast interviews.
Naval Ravikant is an angel investor, CEO and co-founder of AngelList. He was an early stage investor in Silicon Valley giants such as Twitter and Uber.
More importantly, he is a deep thinker and clear communicator.
His ideas around living a self aware and fulfilling life are timeless.
He has achieved the trifecta of health, wealth and wisdom perhaps better than anyone else in the world.
A lot of his wisdom is packed in various podcast interviews he has done over the last few years, so we decided to do a post featuring some of our favorite conversations of him.
There is more wisdom per minute in these podcasts than anywhere else on the internet.
One of Naval’s earlier podcasts, and the first time we found out about him was on Shane Parrish’ podcast — The Knowledge Project.
Its a truly mind expanding conversation.
Check it out—
Naval Ravikant: The Angel Philosopher | The Knowledge Project
Scott Adams is one of the most interesting people on the internet. You might know him as the creator of the blockbuster comic strip Dilbert.
His opinions are unique, provocative and controversial. But they always force you to think.
His interview of Naval from a couple of years ago is really fun. Its not one of his most popular interviews but surely goes into topics that usual interviews don’t.
Love it that this one starts with the “simulation hypothesis” and a discussion on “free will”.
Check it out—
Joe Rogan is the most successful podcaster in the world.
This interview is Naval Ravikant is one of his most watched ones. Naval’s clarity of thought comes our brilliantly here. And Rogan’s questions are best as always—
One of Naval’s latest interviews is on Tim Ferris’ podcast this year in October.
They discuss topics ranging from happiness, anxiety, Covid to Cryptocurrencies.
Check it out—
A couple of years ago Naval did a Tweetstorm — “How to get rich, without getting lucky”
Its a bunch of 30-35 tweets on wealth creation that went viral big time. But the format of Twitter is such that condensed wisdom often doesn’t get the point across.
So he followed it up with a series of podcasts explaining each Tweet in detail.
I think the podcast is a lot better, check it out—
How to Get Rich: Every Episode
After the Tweetstorm went viral, Eric Jorgenson took all of Naval’s tweets, essays and podcasts and condensed all of his wisdom in a short book.
Its called the Almanack of Naval Ravikant.
The pdf of the book is available for free or you can buy the Kindle version as well for a low price.
Its a great way to collate all of his wisdom, but I think it adds value only if you have already been following him for a while and listened to his perspectives on a couple of interviews already.
Do check it out, the illustrations for every chapter are by the brilliant Jack Butcher of Visualize Value—
Signing off, check out some of our favorite quotes of Naval Ravikant —

Thank you for reading.
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Last week we wrote about the Narrative Fallacy, check it out in case you missed it —
Know Your Narratives | Wisdom Letter #65
This was Wisdom Letter #66. In case you want to revisit any of the previous 65 letters, checkout our entire archive.
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Aditi & Ayush